Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2024/05/23

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Subject: [Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update
From: photo at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 10:11:36 +0100
References: <> <> <> <> <>

You are a good person and a brave man, Frank. But this whole thread just 
reinforces my preference for ?just a bunch of disks?.


Nathan Wajsman

Alicante, Spain <>
http:// <>


????? ???????! ?????? ?????!

> On 23 May 2024, at 09:39, Frank Filippone via LUG <lug at> 
> wrote:
> The first 9TB or so is copied.
> Only another 30TB to go.... all on the other Drobo....
> 1 to 2 weeks if we are lucky... 24/7
> Installation went with a modicum of issues, mostly because I am not really 
> an IT guy.... but the Tech Support at Synology was top notch and helped me 
> through it.... This box, an 8 bay model, is no harder to install than a 
> 32bay but it as a long time ago, it was not remotely done, and it was not 
> my computer i was working on.... SO it took a while to get it right.
> Having said that, there is a wire running down the middle of Tina's 
> office... which I am terribly worried about the risk of tripping.... so 
> that will be the next big effort... get rid of the wire.....I will use an 
> Access Point router and re-connect her computer to the internet to be LAN 
> rather than WIFI.   I got time....
> One note to other brave folk who try this on their own.... You can copy 
> from at least two of the USB ports at the same time.
> It works and I got the impression it did not slow down the Drobo copy when 
> I connected up a Desktop Seagate USB HDD.
> This trick effectively doubled the copy speed.... 2 copy sources at the 
> same time.
> Frank Filippone
> BMWRed735i at
> On 5/21/2024 8:08 PM, Frank Filippone wrote:
>> The new NAS is installed and working.  The balance of the work is to 
>> transfer the files.
>> From Drobo to Synology directly will take some time.... Right now, it is 
>> transferring at the rate of around 2TB per 12 hours....
>> Tina has almost 38TB to transfer.... If I could speed it up I would, but 
>> for now, that is it.
>> Only another 10 days... of CONSTANT 24/7 data transfer.
>> Which means I will be lucky to be done in 2-3 weeks.  Well, if I do not 
>> mess up....
>> These are being copied.... using the NAS to do all the work,
>> And then I will optimize her entire system for speedier and more 
>> efficient operation.
>> Frank Filippone
>> BMWRed735i at
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Replies: Reply from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update)
Reply from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update: All loaded.)
In reply to: Message from abridge at (Adam Bridge) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from tmanley at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Drobos... If you have them what can you expect?)
Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos...)
Message from bmwred735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] [Leica} Tina's Drobos... Update)