Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2022/06/30

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Subject: [Leica] Announcing my next exhibition in France
From: lluisripollphotography at (Lluis Ripoll)
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 22:39:01 +0200
References: <00e601d88cb1$825f8df0$871ea9d0$>

Thank you very much Bernard for your kind words! I?m very happy you have 
liked my copies, I really appreciate your comment and your visit to the 


> El 30 juny 2022, a les 20:45, Bernard Degaute via LUG <lug at 
>> va escriure:
> - Date: Tue, 31 May 2022 20:45:20 +0200
> - From: Lluis Ripoll <lluisripollphotography at>
> - To: Leica Users Group <lug at>, Leica M Users Group
> -              <leica-m-users-group+noreply at>
> - Subject: [Leica] Announcing my next exhibition in France
> - Message-ID: <0E720775-6A39-42BD-AF71-1729713B3D7D at>
> - Content-Type: text/plain;        charset=utf-8
> -
> - Hi all, 
> -
> - I?m very happy to announce my next exhibition in France, I will expose 30
> Gelatin Silver Prints with Selenium bath, most of them 12"x16?, limited
> signed series made by myself on my darkroom.
> -
> -
> - Here is the invitation:
> -
> - I?ve created an album with the pictures of the exhibition:
> -
> -
> Good day all
> I'm back from south west of France where I visited Lluis'exhibition.
> We all agree on Lluis' qualities as a photographer : choice of the 
> subjects,
> ability to capture the light and the decisive moment, and much more. In
> Coustellet I also discovered Lluis is a real craftsman of the darkroom as
> well. His B/W prints are obviously a big step over the pics (nevertheless 
> at
> the top) we can see on our screen .
> So if you are near Castoullet or somewhere about don't miss it. Moreover 
> the
> exhibition takes place in a library 100% dedicated to (mostly fine art)
> photography with hundreds of books (new or second hand in great condition).
> So .
> Bernard
> _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

In reply to: Message from bernard.degaute at (Bernard Degaute) ([Leica] Announcing my next exhibition in France)