Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2016/08/27

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Subject: [Leica] Leicas and Cateracts
From: shino at (Rei Shinozuka)
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2016 16:56:30 -0400

First, "Hi" to the LUG and the many friends I've met here.   I've been 
pretty quiet here as of the last few years (I switched to digest), but I 
still get out the M9 and Noctilux from time to time:

Here's my question and I hope it's not considered rudely off-topic for 
this board (thought it involves optics and Leicas)

I was recently diagnosed with cataracts in the right eye and despite my 
love of bokeh and optical aberations, it's degraded my vision to the 
point where I'm going to have to get the eye treated.

I've read up on cataract surgery.  It looks like there are 3 types of 
solutions on the market today.  From the web this is what I've gleaned:

A. Monofocal
PROS: Good image quality
            Most mature product
CONS:  Set to focus at one distance only; need glasses for near distances

B. Multi-Focal (e.g. TECHNIS, RESTOR)
PROS: Concentric lenses set at different focus distances, allows focus 
on near/intermediate/distance
CONS: Inferior image quality, halos at night, decreased low-light 

C. Accomodative (e.g. CRYSTALENS, TRULIGN)
PROS: Dynamically focuses like the human eye, good image quality
CONS: Limited range of focus, newest technology

I'd love to keep using my RF Leicas.  Has anyone on this list undergone 
a Cataract procedure in the last few years, and has it affected his or 
her photography?  Has anyone tried one of the premium types (bottom 2 
choices in the above table).  I'd love to hear your experiences.

Most doctors don't quite get it when I say "But doc, will I still be 
able to focus accurately at f1.0?" but I think many of you will understand.


shino at

Replies: Reply from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from jhnichols at (Jim Nichols) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from leowesson at (Leo Wesson) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from pdzwig at (Peter Dzwig) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from shino at (Rei Shinozuka) ([Leica] Leicas and Cataracts)
Reply from richard at (Richard Man) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from sonc.hegr at (Sonny Carter) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)
Reply from tmanley at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] Leicas and Cateracts)