Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/07/17

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Subject: [Leica] PS Re: "new" equipment
From: steve.barbour at (Steve Barbour)
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:52:20 -0700
References: <>

Sent from my iPhone
Steve Barbour

On Jul 17, 2015, at 12:02 PM, Doug Herr <wildlightphoto at> 

Isn't Mike's Cameras near Viewpoint Gallery?

yes, about 22nd st and J , ask for joel 


Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

-----Original Message-----
> From: Doug Herr <wildlightphoto at>
> Sent: Jul 17, 2015 11:57 AM
> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
> Subject: Re: [Leica] "new" equipment
> Nope, I've shredded the credit card.  Ain't gonna do it.  Can't make me.  
> LaLaLaLa.
> Doug Herr
> Birdman of Sacramento
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Steve Barbour <steve.barbour at>
>> Sent: Jul 17, 2015 11:54 AM
>> To: LUG Group <lug at>
>> Subject: Re: [Leica] "new" equipment
>> Doug, 
>> new Sony, avail in Sacto  Aug 5 at Mikes. J street
>> s
>>> On Jul 17, 2015, at 10:19 AM, Doug Herr <wildlightphoto at 
>>>> wrote:
>>> Don Dory wrote:
>>> The Canon 500 is probably your best bet unless you spend into
>>> the Leica APO modular lenses which cost as much as your truck.
>>> <<<
>>> Have you seen my truck?  The Leica Modular APO lenses are worth 3-4 
>>> times what my truck is worth ;)  Weight is probably similar.
>>> I would figure out what corrections need to be made to color and 
>>> contrast and just
>>> apply a global correction to any images taken with the 500 in LR or 
>>> whatever
>>> software you are using to do RAW conversion.  Once you dial in the
>>> correction then doing a global fix is pretty easy to add to your work 
>>> flow.
>>> <<<
>>> OK thanks.  I just have to work out what those corrections are.
>>> As to the Sony, I believe it is currently the best solution to someone 
>>> with
>>> lenses from several vendors;
>>> <<<
>>> I agree!  I expect to be using LeiCaNikon lenses on it.  I have no plans 
>>> for a native-mount lens until Zeiss makes a 500mm f/4 Tele-Apotessar for 
>>> it, and even then I'll check the weight, price & responsiveness.
>>> Overall I'm quite pleased with the a7II.  The a7rII will be very 
>>> enticing once the inevitable new-camera bugs are worked out of it and 
>>> "undocumented features" are discovered and work-arounds found.  The one 
>>> thing I haven't worked out yet on the a7II is how to reverse the 
>>> direction of the shutter speed control dial, currently configured to the 
>>> front dial.  It turns the opposite direction vs. the R8 and my head is 
>>> balking at that.  The rear dial isn't an option because of tendonitis in 
>>> my right thumb.
>>> Bob Adler wrote:
>>> Seems, by testing the Canon on different sensors, that this issue is 
>>> inherent in the lens. Basically that leaves you searching for a software 
>>> solution.
>>> <<<
>>> Yup. that's what I'm looking for.
>>> Things that seem to PPP to mind are using that free Adobe software to 
>>> calibrate the lens to, using a Mcbeth color chart to also figure out 
>>> what you need to do in your raw processing to get the real chart to look 
>>> like the file you create, or go to a different lens and use lense cast 
>>> removal software for varying or critical apertures (Capture One has 
>>> this) and apply this to your images. Some kind of software workaround 
>>> for a hardware problem?
>>> <<<
>>> OK this gives me some ideas, thanks Bob.
>>> Doug Herr
>>> Birdman of Sacramento
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In reply to: Message from wildlightphoto at (Doug Herr) ([Leica] PS Re: "new" equipment)