Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/03/15
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Larry Zeitlin ESPOSED: via LUG Subject: [Leica] Oversimplification Ted writes: "In the "REALLY GOOD OLD DAYS" one bought the LEICA, added a roll of film each time you wished to take more photos. And you did it that way and it worked perfectly. oh for about 20-30 years and never let you down." >>With all due respect this is a drastic oversimplification.<<<<< LARRY! well it might sound like that! HOWEVER HARDLY AN OVER SIMPLIFICATION! HOWEVER! Bull shit! Not the least bit if you had two hairs of brains! AND WERE A COMPLETELY WIRED HEART AND BRAINS INTO BEING A PHOTOJOUNALIST/PHOTOGRAPHER! >>>The Leica worked fine provided you had the knowledge to measure the light properly, chose the appropriate lens opening, set the shutter speed, focus the camera, have a good reliable processing service or did the wet work yourself.<<<<<< OH CRAP BULL SHIT AGAIN! First of all anyone buying, owning and certainly using a LEICA KNEW VERY Well how to use a hand meter. As far as setting the camera settings? It came within 24 hours or less of having the camera in hand. As soon as you had that machine in your hands you fell in love with it! Handled it almost blind folded Better than a hot passionate love affair! You didn't have the machine of today that requires without question reading a 200 or more page manual to learn what the hell all the buttons do? ON & OFF for crying out loud! And if you don't read and almost memorize from the manual you are immediately????? SCREWED! KISS? THAT ISN'T A WORD APPLICABLE TO THESE NEW MACHINES. Over the years my LEICA'S were my bread and butter for my family and self. NOT TO FORGET THEY WERE THE INSTRUMENTS THAT TOOK ME ALL OVER THE WORLD AND BACK AND FORTH ACROSS NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA! 8 Published books, TV network documentaries and all kinds of other stuff! And you know why? KISS WITH MY LEICAS! And it didn't take a 200 page manual! AND THIS BY YOU??????????????? "If not being handled by a person with years of appropriate experience it was a inert lump of metal and glass. Even loading the film took specialized knowledge.<<<<< WELL NOW WHAT RESPONSE COULD I POSSIBLY GIVE OTHER THAN?????????????? "BULL SHIT!! :-) Sorry Boss Brian, but sometimes it just has to be like this! cheers, Dr. ted Of course choosing the content was the most important step and that did not depend on the camera at all. But I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that photographic experience was irrelevant. Larry Z _______________________________________________ Leica Users Group. See for more information --- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.