Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/01/21

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Subject: [Leica] IMG: WaitingÅ 
From: photo at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:35:47 +0100
References: <> <>

Right on! I used an old-fashioned spot meter this weekend, as I was shooting 
with my meterless Texas Leica?going downstairs to develop the film now :-)


Nathan Wajsman

Alicante, Spain



On 11 Jan 2015, at 15:46, George Lottermoser <george.imagist at> 

> I do often "check the histogram" Mark.
> Though I also continue to enjoy the pleasure of spot reading the actual 
> reflected light that will reach the sensor; as it keeps eyes and mind 
> fully informed about the light and the process.
> In this specific example the pleasure and craft of "knowing" that the 
> "whites" went from 1/30th @ f11 to 125th @ f16 (to render them at Zone V 
> respectively); and then making the decision as to which, on the high end i 
> was willing to lose the detail; well, for me that IS the craft of 
> photography as it relates to combining aesthetics with sensitometry.
> Of course many other aesthetic considerations also keep us interested in 
> the art and craft of photography: composition of elements within the 
> frame; consideration of the subject and/or content; the use of motion; the 
> choice of the magic moment; and more.
> Yet photography, first and foremost, is about capturing LIGHT and 
> informing us about its many qualities. 
> a note off the iPad, George
> On Jan 10, 2015, at 9:10 PM, Mark Rabiner <mark at> wrote:
>> What about just checking the histogram behind the camera?
>> Historically a very good technique I hear.
>> Me I think I just err on the under exposure side. Big time and ass you say
>> pull it all out of the shadows later.
>> I hear that for some odd reason medium format digital technique is the
>> opposite. Why that would be the case if it is is not obvious to me.
>> The concept of all the light from the subject not having to pass through 
>> all
>> those grids totally has got me with a monochrome sensor.
>> Highlight separation which I think is the most important part of most 
>> images
>> would seem to have to be dramatically helped by the cleanness of the
>> concept.... The directness of the image and light path.
>> Total envy coming from the Saturday morning studio audience.
>>> On 1/10/15 9:37 PM, "George Lottermoser" <george.imagist at> 
>>> wrote:
>>> the Monochrom really lends itself to rendering highlights in ways most 
>>> "color
>>> sensors" don't seem able to do. I'm exploring those possibilities here; 
>>> with
>>> the use of my Minolta a spot meter to "place the high values" using a 
>>> highly
>>> simplified version of Zone System thinking. It really works very well for
>>> placing values in Zones VI, VII, VIII, IX? knowing we can pull shadow 
>>> values
>>> to virtually any levels we'd like.
>> On Jan 10, 2015, at 3:48 PM,
>>> philippe.amard <philippe.amard at> wrote:
>>> Love the high-key effect
>>>>> Le 10 janv. 15 ? 18:20,
>>>> George Lottermoser a ?crit :
>>>> C & C always welcome and appreciated
>>> <>
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In reply to: Message from mark at (Mark Rabiner) ([Leica] IMG: Waiting?)
Message from george.imagist at (George Lottermoser) ([Leica] IMG: WaitingÅ )