Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/11/21

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Subject: [Leica] Leica gear from yesterday's shoot - bags, cameras, assessments & results
From: philippe.amard at (philippe.amard)
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 21:59:02 +0100
References: <> <0DC90B1669E246D299A8A44EC18E7F99@MARC> <>

Le 21 nov. 10 ? 21:54, kyle cassidy on the lug a ?crit :

> Certainly the worse the equipment gets the better my output seems to  
> be. Though I'm rapidly running out of lousy digital camera history.  
> I'm not sure where I go after the Apple Quicktake 100. That is,  
> provided I could even find a serial connection for it. Though  
> seriously, after using the Ur Digilux, I'm not sure there's anywhere  
> else to go. It has a red dot, they're as rare as a pleasant stroll  
> through airport security, and -- did I mention the red dot?

Try post processing with software as old as the gear ;-)

Excellent series Kyle, you really are a talentuous photographer.

Thans for sharing the spirit with us, really.


> On Nov 21, 2010, at 3:50 PM, Marc Dufour wrote:
>> I'm truly enjoying your experiments and approach, Kyle.
>> Keep'em coming!
>> Marc
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Replies: Reply from leicaslacker at (kyle cassidy on the lug) ([Leica] Leica gear from yesterday's shoot - bags, cameras, assessments & results)
In reply to: Message from leicaslacker at (kyle cassidy on the lug) ([Leica] Leica gear from yesterday's shoot - bags, cameras, assessments & results)
Message from foto at (Marc Dufour) ([Leica] Leica gear from yesterday's shoot - bags, cameras, assessments & results)
Message from leicaslacker at (kyle cassidy on the lug) ([Leica] Leica gear from yesterday's shoot - bags, cameras, assessments & results)