Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/09/07

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Subject: [Leica] New R Solution?
From: mark at (Mark Rabiner)
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 01:33:53 -0400

I was out shooting all day today with a 1970's vintage nikon 55 3.5 macro on
my 4 year old D200 nikon digital camera. Works well the the flash as well.

Mark William Rabiner
mark at

> From: Jayanand Govindaraj <jayanand at>
> Reply-To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 08:32:02 +0530
> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
> Subject: Re: [Leica] New R Solution?
> As far as Nikon manual focus lenses go, they are pretty much usable on 
> Nikon
> semi pro and pro bodies already (D300 or better). For example:
> tibility.htm
> Cheers
> Jayanand
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 2:32 AM, Aram Langhans <leicar at> wrote:
>> As a faithful "R" lens user, the way I see it, Leica has two goals to meet
>> for a digital solution.
>> 1.  They must lure enough people from Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc to make the
>> venture profitable.  To do this they need to somehow offer something that
>> the big boys do not, be it a feature or quality.  This of course also 
>> means
>> a whole new line of autofocus lenses.  I don't see that happening for a
>> reasonable price.
>> 2. They need to bring back to the fold the loyal "R" users.  To do this
>> they most provide something that we have not cobbled together on our own, 
>> so
>> to speak.  The only thing they can do to improve the situation that exists
>> now (adapters for C, N, 4/3, etc) is to provide a lens mount 
>> system/adapter
>> that allow for full aperture metering and focusing, and a focus
>> screen/system that is as workable as a good film SLR of days gone by (read
>> R8/9). Everything else is easily provided for by C, N, etc.   They have
>> outstanding low light performance and (too) many features.
>> I think a super quality mirrorless system may offer something new to the
>> masses.  It also may provide enough lens flange to sensor room to allow an
>> adapter to be built with some sort of servo motor mechanisms to stop the
>> lens down during the exposure, and maybe even allow for shutter priority
>> automation.  This would be a big improvement over the existing C, N, 4/3  
>> to
>> Leica blends we are now using.  The only thing for me is the viewfinder
>> system, and how that will work with a manual focus lens.
>> So, while I do not hold out much hope for any acceptable upcoming
>> announcement, I have hung in there for quite a few years, so a few more
>> weeks will not  kill me.
>> Aram
>>  Subject: Re: [Leica] New R Solution?
>>> To: Leica Users Group <lug at>
>>> Message-ID: <519BD44D-1229-48AA-AF19-C4AA411C77C5 at>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> I don't think there is any hope of a new unique design camera. They have
>>> lost their shirts on almost, if not every new reflex camera they have 
>>> ever
>>> designed, never sold enough to get the design and tooling costs back, 
>>> this
>>> includes the Leicaflexes and the R8 and R9, whether they made any money 
>>> on
>>> the models machined from Minolta castings I don't know, but the market 
>>> for a
>>> dSLR has too much inexpensive competition for a Leica model to succeed. I
>>> believe neither the Canon EOS1 series nor the Nikon D3 models make any
>>> profit, and can only exist because of profits made on the mass market
>>> models, which, of course, Leica do not have...
>>> I am not expecting much at all, I am afraid. The DMR is still rather fine
>>> though...
>>> Frank
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In reply to: Message from jayanand at (Jayanand Govindaraj) ([Leica] New R Solution?)