Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2010/05/28

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Subject: [Leica] FS Leica Tri-Elmar, Second Version
From: john.o.newell at (J. Newell)
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 01:33:32 +0000 (UTC)

If we're commenting on for sale posts, I'd volunteer on Craig's behalf that 
a buyer might willingly pay a premium to deal with someone they knew in a 
venue where there's more than the sting & run mentality that one encounters 
on that auction site - especially considering the value of the item in 
question.? YMMV. 

Best regards 

John Newell 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Meier" <robertmeier at> 
To: "Leica Users Group" <lug at> 
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 8:49:38 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [Leica] FS Leica Tri-Elmar, Second Version 


Since ebay and Paypal fees amount to close to 10% of the selling ? 
price on ebay, why do you think you should get ebay prices without ? 
paying any of the fees? 


On May 28, 2010, at 6:55 PM, Craig Semetko wrote: 

> Hi All, 
> Selling my 28/35/50 second version Tri-elmar, mechanically sound, ? 
> glass clean and clear. Cosmetically it shows some wear around the ? 
> edge where the filter screws in. 
> There were two recent sales of this version on ebay, on 5/17 one ? 
> sold for $4,624 and on 5/24 one sold for $4,860. I am asking ? 
> $4,650, shipped and insured in CONUSA, check or money order ? 
> preferred, paypal add 3%. 
> I like the lens a great deal, it was used for a number of the shots ? 
> in my upcoming book, but I need to finance other purchases. 
> Cheers, 
> Craig 
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Replies: Reply from robertmeier at (Robert Meier) ([Leica] FS Leica Tri-Elmar, Second Version)
Reply from slobodan.dimitrov at (slobodan dimitrov) ([Leica] FS Leica Tri-Elmar, Second Version)
In reply to: Message from robertmeier at (Robert Meier) ([Leica] FS Leica Tri-Elmar, Second Version)