Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/03/01

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Subject: [Leica] IMGS: Pisac Market
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Sun, 01 Mar 2009 22:21:00 +0100
References: <> <>

Steve Barbour wrote:

> On Feb 28, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Tina Manley wrote:
>> PESO:
>> I'm back from Peru, still unpacking and washing clothes, and trying  
>> to edit photos!  Today's blog is from February 1st when we visited  
>> the Pisac Sunday market.  I'm still using the jpegs from my two M8's  
>> that I designated as one for B&W and one for color.  I'm sure when I  
>> have more time, I'll rethink some of these and use the RAW files to  
>> determine whether I really want B&W or color.  Most of the market  
>> scenes probably work better in color, but this is the way I saw them  
>> at the time.  For a lot of these, I used my 75/1.4.
> many wonderful images Tina... and the beauty of the resplendent 
> colors  goes without saying...and I love the faces...
> but that said, I prefer the bw, and I'd like to see some faces close  
> up in bw...
> it seems the color after a while becomes an end in itself, dulls the  
> senses, like too much chocolate...makes one desire a long drink of  
> water...
> one piece of chocolate is perfect, two is too much...
> sort of like the old one...first prize is a week in Philadelphia,  
> second prize is two weeks in Philadelphia...
> it's sort of a paradox, I know the color sells better, but you can  
> only say ..."look at the beautiful colors" in so many ways, then it  
> becomes redundant...
> color has replaced content...

Agreed, yet, colour is also content IMHO - it depends on what you are 
after - reportage, graphics, abstract, some many variables ...
Nice place to shoot in any case - and Tina performed with some (high) 
degree of success, here again.
Thanks for sharing.

> I tried to find the best way of saying this that would be clear,  
> helpful, not offensive...
> Steve
>> I would greatly appreciate comments and criticisms.  (These were  
>> edited down from over 800 photos for that day!!)
>> Tina
>> Tina Manley
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In reply to: Message from images at (Tina Manley) ([Leica] IMGS: Pisac Market)
Message from kididdoc at (Steve Barbour) ([Leica] IMGS: Pisac Market)