Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2009/01/04

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Subject: [Leica] Re: 60 Macro-Elmarit
From: philippe.amard at (Philippe AMARD)
Date: Sun Jan 4 07:45:32 2009
References: <> <217C5CCCF5ED43A5B73CA2C41F448E04@D1S9FY41>

Seth Rosner wrote:

> Doug wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 8:46 PM
> Subject: Re: 60 Macro
>>> An amazing lens that remained in the Leitz/Leica catalog from
>>> 1972 until a year ago.
>> It's no longer in the catalog ?!??  It's time to either fly the flag 
>> at half-mast or watch for a new 50mm APO-Macro-Summicron-R.
>> Doug
> I think I'm right about the 60 Macro-Elmarit being gone, Doug. OTOH, 
> there are a ton of these lenses appearing on eB** at very reasonable 
> prices; can't quite figure out why.

What if it was for the lack of an R9.2 Diesel to go with it?

> Of course I could be wrong, but if Leica brings out another 'normal' 
> focal-length macro-lens, I'd be a bit surprised if it were designated 
> APO. 30 years ago I was in correspondence with Geoffrey Crawley, then 
> Editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Photography, about lens 
> design and performance. A propos the 50 Summicrons and Switars, he 
> wrote me that while Kern (Alpa) "have always made a bit of a fuss 
> about being Apo's" in his opinion, all modern normal focal-length 
> lenses from the top manufacturers were of apochromatic design. OTOH, I 
> would be quite surprised if such a new Leica Macro-R lens were not 
> aspheric. My issue with some current ASPH lenses - and please don't 
> jump on me, gals and guys, it's an impression - is that they are of 
> such high contrast that they not only sacrifice resolution to some 
> extent, they provide a somewhat hard, edgy image, some would say 
> harsh, that departs from the plasticity of the images made by Leitz 
> lenses from the mid-1950s to 1970s. That may be very desirable for 
> reportage photography but for other photographic purposes it departs 
> from the imagery I prefer. I ought to add that the reputation of those 
> earlier Leitz lenses for flare and only medium contrast is seriously 
> overdone. Stop them down two stops and their contrast is excellent 
> across the frame, comparing very favorably with all of the later 
> 'high-contrast' Leica lenses, though not the latest ASPH renditions.
> Seth
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Replies: Reply from sethrosner at (Seth Rosner) ([Leica] Re: 60 Macro-Elmarit)
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