Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/22

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Subject: [Leica] Re: Ansel Adams
From: leica at (Bob W)
Date: Mon Dec 22 14:22:34 2008
References: <2EE94F36F5B8464F938C8984DF4AC1A8@precisionm50><><1B59548E328A4B76BC5F33707756C367@precisionm50> <>

> as long as you brought it here, it's supposed that you should 
> know why  
> you did,

My post from Erwitt elicited the response "Is good photography really
completely unrelated to contrast and exposure?". This is clearly a matter of
opinion, and it's not for me or anyone else to decide what is and is not
good photography. Having said that I then went on to state my opinion about
the relationship between subject matter and technique, so I quite clearly
showed why I brought that quote into the forum.

Having asked me again to define what good photography is, you've gone on in
the same post to criticise me for supposedly "overstating what photography
should be for the rest of us". Really, you must think about things a bit
before you blurt out silly emails.

Perhaps you could point me to the part of my posts where I "overstate what
photography should be for the rest of us", or even state (without the over-)
what it should be. Everything I've written is either an obvious matter of
opinion (eg finding certain types of photo boring) or an obvious matter of
fact (providing a quote from someone else). 

At the same time, perhaps you could also turn your indignation on other
people who similarly express opinions about all sorts of matters. Opinions
such as "As photography they worth next nothing." The pot should not call
the kettle black.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On 
> Behalf Of Luis Miguel Casta?eda Navas
> Sent: 22 December 2008 20:08
> To: Leica Users Group
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Re: Ansel Adams
> On 22/12/2008, at 20:46, Bob W wrote:
> > That's not for me to decide - email Elliott Erwitt and ask him to  
> > explain
> > himself.
> as long as you brought it here, it's supposed that you should 
> know why  
> you did, alas being able to speak at the very least for what 
> it means  
> to you, which, BTW, it was all you were asked for.
> >  which is one reason why there are so many beautifully printed
> > but boring pictures of dried up logs beside lakes, and so few  
> > exciting but
> > technically bad pictures of the D-Day landings.
> to me, as I said before, D-Day landings only worths something, if  
> anything, as historical document. As photography they worth next  
> nothing. I've seen better and more moving prints in 'found  
> photographs' sites of unknow soldiers and photographers, lots of them.
> You're falling into mistake your tastes and preferences with what  
> photography should be for everyone, diminishing the value of 
> whatever  
> you don't like. You can enjoy whatever you like, but there is 
> no need  
> to overstate what photography should be for the rest of us.
> I feel better, to hell with photography, art, women, and all
> E. Weston, 1924
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> Leica Users Group.
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Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)
Reply from drodgers at (David Rodgers) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)
In reply to: Message from leica at (Bob W) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)
Message from drodgers at (David Rodgers) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)
Message from leica at (Bob W) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)
Message from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Re: Ansel Adams)