Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/02/24

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Subject: [Leica] Spain on film
From: nathan at (Nathan Wajsman)
Date: Sun Feb 24 22:47:39 2008
References: <>

Thanks to the comments and the kind words to Ric, Philippe, Luis,  
Mark, Jim, Simon, Michiel, Ted, the other Luis, Jayanand and Mads. To  
clarify my comment about inferiority of film: I should have been more  
specific. What I meant is that with my scanning process (Epson V700)  
in terms of pure resolution and sharpness, film is inferior to what I  
get directly from my Canon or Olympus  DSLRs. That is obvious to me  
when I look at the images at 100% in Lightroom. I am sure that if I  
these scanned on a dedicated MF scanner or a drum scanner, this would  
not be the case, certainly not for the Fuji Acros or the Pan F.

Having said that, the sharpness is good enough for the web and A4  
prints, and the film does have a tonality that is difficult to  
achieve with digital means. I was especially pleasantly surprised by  
the Delta 3200--I had never shot it in MF before and had no idea what  
to expect. I did not particularly like this film when I was shooting  
35mm (Fuji Neopan 1600 was my preferred high-speed film then).

I suppose I do take more care when shooting film, knowing that there  
are only 16 images per roll. When shooting at night, the slow lenses  
on the Bronica (f4) force me to make more of an effort to hold the  
camera steady and to avoid subject movement.

Thanks again to everyone for looking and commenting.


On 24-feb-2008, at 21:49, Nathan Wajsman wrote:

> From time to time I like to shoot a roll of MF film in my Bronica  
> rangefinder.
> I have finally been able to scan and process four rolls of MF film  
> I shot during and after the Christmas holidays here in Spain,  
> mostly from the Alicante area but also some from Barcelona. The  
> delay was due to the fact the I had the negatives down here but my  
> scanner was still in the Netherlands until a couple of weeks ago.  
> Anyway, now it is here with me, and these are the results:
> All images with the Bronica RF, and on the films indicated (Pan F+,  
> Delta 3200, Fomapan 400 and Fuji Acros).
> As always, comments and critique are very welcome. I am still  
> trying to figure out if and how I shoot differently when shooting  
> film (compared to digital which I how I do 98% of my work). I think  
> that because of the inherent inferiority of film as far as  
> sharpness is concerned, I tend to look at other attributes such as  
> tonality. You be the judge.
> Nathan
> Nathan Wajsman
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Nathan Wajsman
General photography:

Replies: Reply from octabod at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda Navas) ([Leica] Spain on film)
In reply to: Message from nathan at (Nathan Wajsman) ([Leica] Spain on film)