Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/09/18

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Subject: [Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?
From: tedgrant at (Ted Grant)
Date: Mon Sep 18 19:12:37 2006
References: <002501c6db2a$ddcd3380$0200a8c0@vol5> <p0623092ec13471bf7e80@> <> <>

Don Dory asked:
Subject: Re: [Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?
>>Even the sports guys know when to press the shutter.Possibly we could 
>> >>ask Ted's son if he just turns the drive on and fills a 8GB card and 
>>asks >>may I have another?<<<

First of all Don I haven't followed this thread as I thought it was a stupid 
topic as soon as I saw the first post.....then it was delete, period.

I'm sure my son Scott would be only too pleased to answer. However it's not 
necessary because he learned how to shoot sports and the use of motor drives 
from the old man here. ;-)

Those people who think all one has to do is hold down the motor driven 
shutter release and that's how people get great sports pictures I've got 
news for them.... "stick it in your ear idiot!" It doesn't work because the 
peak action will sure as hell happen between frames, digital or film!

A photographer who knows the sport, the moment of actions happening shoots 
the peak action, then with a follow through of maybe a couple of frames 
motor driven. But the initial re-action to the action is the photographers 
own finger on the shutter release...."click!"

All this sillieness about the M8 and slow M8 burst is coming from "fools who 
are nothing more than button pushers, not real M users!"

99.999999999999% of my pictures with any of the M  Leica gear over 40 years 
as a professional has been one frame at a time. Until a few years ago when I 
acquired Tom Abrahamsson's RapidWinder when I could get 3 frames off 
manually. Generally with 2 being throw aways! WHY?

Because the first frame was usually right on the mark.... due to my 
re-action to whatever the moment was and the following 2 were TOO LATE! :-(

But why anyone would be rapping on about the M8 and slow advancing is beyond 
me! Just infintile amateur stupidity.


Replies: Reply from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)
Reply from hoppyman at (G Hopkinson) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)
Reply from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)
In reply to: Message from mvolo at (Michael Volow) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)
Message from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Slow M8 burst mode?)