Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/09/04

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Subject: [Leica] eyeliner through the ages
From: h_arche at (H. Ball Arche)
Date: Mon Sep 4 07:23:03 2006

--- Scott McLoughlin <> wrote:

> This is a kick butt series, although I'd edit out
> the very first
> photo in the series. It's a great subject, but one
> need's the
> photo's title for the photo to be meaningful. Or at
> least,
> them's the words I come up with when I try to
> understand
> my own judgement of the photo :-)

I tend to agree. Given were the series was gone since,
this one doesn't really fit. And technically it sucks,
although that usually doesn't seem to faze me. It
still cracks me up, however.

> The series is like a play, something about a
> special, magical
> scene or place or stage on which young folks are in
> the process
> of coming of age.

I like that, and will need to think about it.

> You titled one of the photos of some girls
> "thirteen," and I
> thought of another play where a 13 year old girl is
> coming of
> age - Shakespeare's Juliet was 13.

I'm much less literary; I had in mind a pop song by
Big Star.

> And then in a photographic context, the number
> "thirteen" makes
> me think of "twelve" and another very different
> coming of age
> series of photographs, Sally Mann's "At Twelve."
> And then I think of the controversy surrounding that
> series of
> photos and the book - and I decide to stop writing
> anymore :-)
Yeah, that's a 'don't go there' subject. The fair is a
'kids' place, however, and its neat to see how adults
deal with it, well or badly. I have a couple of shots
of a very tough looking guy sitting on a bench idly
blowing on a toy pinwheel. Unfortunately it doesn't
work as a B&W still, because it would convey my sense
of the fair as an agreed upon setting for a
'suspension of age'. Adults tend to look like jerks
when they don't buy into it, and look terrific when
they're going with it.

> Just a stream of consciousness, but one kicked of by
> your
> excellent series of photographs.  Very cool.
> Scott

Many thanks, Scott, for the comments and giving me
things to mull.


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In reply to: Message from scott at (Scott McLoughlin) ([Leica] eyeliner through the ages)