Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/06/08

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Subject: [Leica] re: armed america
From: jsluss at (John Sluss)
Date: Thu Jun 8 14:37:13 2006
References: <86070F417851ED468663EC5459FC8A051713@EXCHANGE.asc.local> <>

Here are seven more reasons why someone might want a firearm or two in their 
home, even if they are young and healthy. And there are many more where this 
comes from.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philippe Orlent" <>
To: "Leica Users Group" <>
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] re: armed america

> If he would have held his revolver(s)/pistols(s) in this one, it  would 
> have been perfect.
> Maybe, and it's sad to say, Jim is not a keeper in this series,  despite 
> his story, that for once -and I'm on dangerous grounds here,  I know- gave 
> an understandable reason why somebody thinks he needs a  firearm at his 
> home.
> (also know that I appreciate the different reasons explained by each 
> different person in your series, even if I rarely agree with them: it 
> makes it a very powerful and interesting project)
> Philippe
> (apologies for my complicated sentence structure mood :-)
> Op 8-jun-06, om 22:30 heeft Kyle Cassidy het volgende geschreven:
>>> From: Philippe Orlent <>
>>> I question that just arises: how do you work for this series? Do you
>> ask
>>> your subjects to show their arms the way they personally want to and
>> where
>>> they want to, or do you give them any steering/suggestions?
>>> Thanks for showing,
>>> Philippe
>> Hi philippe -- it's a little of both. Sometimes I get there to hear
>> "this is the only room we can photograph in, because it's the one I
>> cleaned", other times I get "look around, tell me what you want to do"
>> -- in most places I try and do at least two different setups.  Sometimes,
>> such as the hunter with the moose head, everything is pretty much
>> dictated already by the room -- there was largely only one angle I  could
>> use to get what I wanted and exclude sofas and chairs and the like.
>> Usually I'm the one suggesting the poses to accommodate the room.
>> I also did one like this:
>> But jim pretty much set himself up, the dog jumped in his lap -- that
>> was about it.
>> Kyle
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In reply to: Message from kcassidy at (Kyle Cassidy) ([Leica] re: armed america)
Message from philippe.orlent at (Philippe Orlent) ([Leica] re: armed america)