Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/06/07

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Subject: [Leica] Digital Leica M
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Wed Jun 7 02:51:59 2006
References: <> <> <>

What Pen f lenses? Let me get this straight: the rational for a 5K digital 
M, day before yesterday, was that it would use the closets full of M and 
LTM lenses everyone's been acquiring, and produce images that will blow 
away those prodced with Japanese junk, right? But now it turns out that 
there will be image quality issues at the edges, even though there's 
already a 1.3 image crop. But that's okay, because Leica will use software 
to fix that in the camera. But, in order to have that work, you're going to 
have to pay between $100 and 125 per lens to have what amounts to a sticker 
put on the mount? (AmI following this so far?) But now it turns out that 
other than the new ASPH lenses, which many people haven't invested in 
because there are so many great, older, far less expensive lenses 
available, there are only a tiny handful of lenses, all manufactured in the 
last 12 years, that can be retrofit. And your reaction is to make a joke 
about a far, far less expensive camera that produces terrific images and 
say ' that's okay, we can fix the images in Photoshop?'
This, to me, is the ultimate example of the Emperor's New Clothes: if 
there's a Red Dot somewhere in the room, everything's okay.
God, if only I had the time and inclination to go through the archives and 
pull up all the anti-digital diatribes in which people trashed just this 
sort of digital fix, and other uses of PS, because it was creating 
information where there was none, and ...
What a hoot.
Finally, no, of course I haven't used a Digital M. I am sikply reacting to 
what LEICA has just told us about it, and what Don has written.

...... Original Message .......
On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 22:32:10 -0400 "Don Dory" <> wrote:
>I suspect that Leica doesn't have the lenses mapped nor wants to spend the
>money to do the work.  The lenses will mount and work just like they always
>did, but you might have to do a little PS work on the edges.  No big deal.
>Really no worse than using your old Pen F lenses on your 330.  :)
>On 6/6/06, B. D. Colen <> wrote:
>> Fascinating to note that lenses manufactured prior to 1994, and only a 
>> of those, can be "upgraded." Gee, I didn't know that Leica has made any
>> changes to its mount since 1954, and if it hasn't why can't every M lens
>> be
>> upgraded? Could it be creeping Lobselescence? Not from the Leiks of 
>> ;-)
>> On 6/6/06 4:13 PM, "" <> wrote:
>> >
>> > F.Y.I.
>> >
>> > Was just forwarded this detail from a friend in CS at Solms. Additional
>> detail
>> > possibly available after the Forum meeting next weekend.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > William
>> >
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>Leica Users Group.
>See for more information
Sent from handheld device. Please forgive any typos or spelling errors.

Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Digital Leica M)
In reply to: Message from lambroving at ( ([Leica] Digital Leica M)
Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Digital Leica M)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Digital Leica M)