Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/18

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Subject: [Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light
From: r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor)
Date: Wed Jan 18 07:26:21 2006
References: <p06230921bfe96e361e17@> <> <p06230916bff170fa5482@> <> <> <p06230931bff407e8aaa8@[]> <>

Thanks Ken.  Do let us know.  I'll do the same after I've tried the 
Fuji 1600.  Fuji 400 is best derated to 200 or maybe 160 in my trials 
of that film.

>On Jan 18, 2006, at 10:02 AM, Richard S. Taylor wrote:
>>Thanks Luis, too.  The trials sound like a good idea.
>Dick, I think I sort of started this thread, or was in on it at the 
>I've shot a roll of BW400CN in tungsten lighting, M7, tripod 
>mounted, at different settings to see what results I get.  I've also 
>done the same with my Rolleflex, T400CN.  I haven't gotten the film 
>processed yet, but as soon as I do, I'll let you know what I get.
>The Rev. Kenneth Frazier
>Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ
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In reply to: Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from don.dory at (Don Dory) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from r.s.taylor at (Richard S. Taylor) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)
Message from kennybod at (Kenneth Frazier) ([Leica] Underexposure in Tungsten Light)