Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/01/13

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Subject: [Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II
From: don.dory at (Don Dory)
Date: Fri Jan 13 06:06:10 2006
References: <> <> <> <>

No, the herd mentality has set in.  Most camera purchasers want a digital
camera and would not even consider a film camera.  Consider that you can get
a new film Rebel or N55 or Minolta 50 with a modest zoom lens for under $200
virtually anywhere.  Digital SLR's start around $699 with equivalent lens.
In the P&S market a 35-150 zoom model can be had for less than $100 if a top
tier brand is not required or just over $100 if you want a Nikon, Olympus,
Canon.  The digital equivalent would start at $399 and be much larger or
much more expensive if about the same size.

I still hold with my argument of several years ago.  For the person who
shoots the typical 100 to 250 pictures a year, an analoge camera would be
less expensive.  $100 for the camera. $20 for 12 rolls of film, and $90 to
process it.  Rounded off to $200 the first year and about $100 each year the
camera remains operational which would probably be about five years.
Contrast that to $300 for a good 5MP camera, $20 for a reasonable memory
card, and say an average of $1 for four prints.  After the first year it is
$200 for the analogue and $345 for the digital.  After the second year it is
$300 for the analogue and $365 for the digital.  So, after three years of
ownership assuming the analogue user shoots and has 240 prints and the
digital shooter shoots thousands but has 100 prints a year, the digital
photographer has finally spent less money assuming that the camera still

For the heavy shooter obviously the economics change pretty quickly.


On 1/13/06, Luis Miguel Casta?eda <> wrote:
> On 13/01/2006, at 0:01, mehrdad wrote:
> > i think the trend is to be done with film cameras
> sure, profit is higher if they can convince you to change everything
> every few years :)
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Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)
Reply from Frank.Dernie at (Frank Dernie) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)
In reply to: Message from gregj.lorenzo at (GREG LORENZO) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)
Message from macdude4 at (Mark) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)
Message from msadat at (mehrdad) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)
Message from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] OT: Hasselbald XPAN II)