Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/09/06

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Subject: [Leica] I really disagree with this policy
From: don.dory at (Don Dory)
Date: Tue Sep 6 17:23:38 2005
References: <> <> <>

For all practical purposes, the shelters are these peoples homes,
their residences.  Wouldn't you want some privacy?  These people have
already lost almost everything they have including family members. 
Can't we give them some dignity and not poke cameras in their faces?


On 9/6/05, Eric <> wrote:
> Matt:
> >I don't have a problem with this. These people have been through a
> >tragedy greater than most of us could ever know - the last thing they
> >deserve is a hobbyist poking a camera in their face to get some keen
> >shots of their misery.
> Yes and no.  I don't think a hobbyist should be invading somebody's space
> after a tragedy just to add to his collection.  That should be common
> decency.  On the other hand, if the government is picking and choosing who
> is a hobbyist and who is a bona fide journalist, then we no longer have a
> truly free press.
> --
> Eric
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Replies: Reply from lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda) ([Leica] I really disagree with this policy)
Reply from paul at (Paul) ([Leica] I really disagree with this policy)
In reply to: Message from wooderson at (Matt Powell) ([Leica] I really disagree with this policy)
Message from ericm at (Eric) ([Leica] I really disagree with this policy)