Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/01/29

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Subject: [Leica] "a la carte" & "certified pre-owned"
From: at (Douglas M.Sharp)
Date: Sat Jan 29 01:09:05 2005
References: <> <> <015f01c505bb$50014190$06ec4142@D1S9FY41> <>

Didier Ludwig wrote:
>>> That would cannibalize their new-camera business.
>> Didier, how would they cannibalize their new-camera business if the 
>> resale price were, asy, 2/3 of new price? No, I rather think they 
>> would bring in more new Leica users.
> Seth,
> Because many Leica aficionado would buy certified preowned's instead of 
> new ones, thats my guess. But 2/3 price of a new one would be too much 
> to attract many new customers, 
It would be excellent competition for the Zeiss-Ikon at this price.
Even if they were going to bought by collectors, users, or whatever this 
woud be 
money in the bank for Leica - I can't really imagine that they would reject 
customer anywhere along the line.
especially in these days, where, for
> instance, more and more prictures at our list's gallery are shot with 
> R-D1's or 20d's; and when the CV Bessa's are getting better and better 
> and even Zeiss Ikon comes up with a new film RF camera.
All the more reason to introduce a quality "entry level priced" Leica (used 
for example) What would really pull the customers would be a 1 or 2 year 
warranty on a refurbished camera or lens.
I'm sure many of us started our Leica experience with a used camera of some 
sort, grew to love it, and saved for the day when we could buy our dream new 
Leica. Could be interesting to hear how we all got into Leica photography.
My first was an M2 with a collapsible Elmar bought from a colleague who had 
inherited it from his father and didn't know what to do with it, followed 
closely by a black chrome SL left over after the rather nasty divorce of a
couple we knew.Then a wait of 16 years until I could afford an M6 Titanium
(the first model, and the only Leica I ever bought new).
> Consider me as a new customer (one year and a half ago). I was offered a 
> M6 with a damaged shutter for $220 - I asked around for the repair costs 
> and finally had a M6 for significantly less than $1k. Two thirds of the 
> price of a new one? Never! Would have bought a Bessa R2 instead, not a 
> Leica.
Didier, I think the crux of the matter is that people who think seriously 
photography don't necessarily "need" a Leica but would still very much like 
have one.
> No, Leica needs new products such as a convincing digital M to survive. 
> The preowned filmcamera business would give peanuts only.
True, they do need new cutting edge products, but if they can find a way to 
partially finance new developments then this is the one of the ways they 
should go.

> Didier _______________________________________________
> Leica Users Group.
> See for more information

In reply to: Message from SonC at ( (Re: [Leica] Re: "a la carte" & "certified pre-owned")
Message from rangefinder at (Didier Ludwig) (Re: [Leica] "a la carte" &  "certified pre-owned")
Message from sethrosner at (Seth Rosner) (Re: [Leica] "a la carte" &  "certified pre-owned")
Message from rangefinder at (Didier Ludwig) (Re: [Leica] "a la carte" &  "certified pre-owned")