Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2005/01/13

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Subject: [Leica] Zeiss Focus Shift
From: bparsons at (
Date: Thu Jan 13 11:13:24 2005

As a semi-pro photographer, working at losing the day job so I can do this
the right way, I have to say that if I needed that 5k lens for my work, I'd
find a way.
Because -- I don't drive either new or expensive cars, eat out much, wear
Armani, or many other things the consume MUCH more than that amount of
Also, the 5k Leica lens will probably be worth 5k 10 or 20 years from now.

It makes a nice investment....

Bill Parsons
601 Congress Street, Boston, MA
(cell) 617-680-2779
||   "B. D. Colen"              |                                         |
||   <>    |   ? ? ? ? To: ? ? ? ?"'Leica Users      |
||   Sent by:                   |   Group'" <>         |
||   lug-bounces+bparsons=jhanco|   ? ? ? ? cc:                           |
||     |   ? ? ? ? Subject: ? ? ? ?RE: [Leica]   |
||                              |   Zeiss Focus Shift                     |
||   01/13/2005 12:29 PM        |                                         |
||   Please respond to "Leica   |                                         |
||   Users Group"               |                                         |

If one is a weekend photographer, a weekday photographer, or even a
full-time PJ who only needs or wants a 15 to play with, or for once,
twice a year use - then I'd say no one needs a 5K 15mm lens. This Zeiss,
assuming that it's really terrific, will clearly be a lens for those who
actually need such a lens - or for those same people who will spend
Godknowswhat on King Tut autograph model Ms, or on customized Ms. For
that matter, it will be perfect for those weekend shooters who go out
and buy every damn lens and accessory Leica makes - to consume five
rolls a year taking crappy happy snaps of Scooter and Buffy on their
birthdays and holidays. ;-) And truth be told, those are probably the
people keeping Leica in business at this point.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Frank Filippone
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 12:11 PM
To: Leica Users Group
Subject: RE: [Leica] Zeiss Focus Shift

I guess with the right mount adapter, the R lens would fit the M now you have a $6K 15/2.8 lens without RF coupling for an M
body. ?Handy.

So you have 2 choices..... and if you add in the old 15 Hologon lens, 3
choices.... at 15mm.

Seriously gang, how often do you use a $5K 15mm lens? ?How often do you
NEED to use a 15mm Lens?

If you are a working pro, I can understand the purchase. ?If you are a
weekend photographer....????

Frank Filippone

Leica Users Group.
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In reply to: Message from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] Zeiss Focus Shift)