Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/09/20

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Subject: [Leica] Epson RD-1
From: bdcolen at (B. D. Colen)
Date: Mon Sep 20 13:06:16 2004

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Kit McChesney
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 3:16 PM
To: 'Leica Users Group'
Subject: [Leica] Epson RD-1

Hey gang--

So my question of the morning is, does anyone on the LUG own an Epson
RD-1 yet? I have one client who has bought one from a dealer in Hong
Kong, and he's enjoying the camera immensely (the only camera he took on
a recent trip, and he's got other M-cameras), I believe with his 35 f/2.
I've been haranguing Epson about this, and they are being pretty darn
cagey about whether (or not) they'll release this to the U.S. I just
talked with a sales rep who expressed surprise (!!!) that lots of Leica
M-system users would be interested. I said, "Are you kidding?" He seemed
excited to find that out
(odd?) and said he'd get back to me ASAP. I had to do a virtual
double-take on that one. 

So can anyone show and tell? Or have we alread revealed all we care to
reveal, or discuss, on this subject? 


Leica Users Group.
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Replies: Reply from leicagalpal at (Kit McChesney) ([Leica] Epson RD-1)
Reply from timatherton at (Tim Atherton) ([Leica] Epson RD-1)
In reply to: Message from leicagalpal at (Kit McChesney) ([Leica] Epson RD-1)