Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/08/04

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Subject: [Leica] Be prepared!!
From: DouglasMSharp at (Douglas M. Sharp)
Date: Wed Aug 4 07:35:02 2004

A wonderful example of being in the right place at the right  time -
with the bl..dy wrong equipment and film.
We were going for a long hike so I just popped a point and shoot
(no-name cheapo thing from the 70's) into my jacket pocket,
Leicas and expensive glass stayed at the cottage. To cap it all it was
loaded with 400 film which had been in the camera for over a year.
Suddenly - VVVRRROOOOMMM !! at about  50 yards distance and at our level
(cliff top path) just time for two shots and then the film
was full, the other shot is even worse.
Only one consolation the auto exposure of the thing seems to be spot on.
PS I managed to spell Hurricane wrong in the file name too

Replies: Reply from ruben at (Ruben) ([Leica] Be prepared!!)
Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Be prepared!!)