Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/07/12

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Subject: [Leica] New Leica digital rangefinder system ? , was: new M lens?
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon Jul 12 14:22:24 2004

I have to agree with Doug, The R8/R9 +DMR seems the best of both worlds,
and I can live without AF very easily.  As to the RD-1, I don't see this as
a viable M digital camera, since its rangefinder base is so much shorter
than the M unit, and everyone has been complaining that the current RF base
on the M4 - M6 is shorter than the M3 RF original unit.  A less accurate RF
is not worth it irregardless of price IMHO.


|         |           Doug Herr <>              |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |           07/12/2004 02:43 PM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |       To:       Leica Users Group <>                  
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] New Leica digital rangefinder system ? , 
was: new M lens?  |

on 7/12/04 11:11 AM, Feli di Giorgio at wrote:

> I think it would be extremely difficult for Leica to design an auto focus
> AND a series of AF lenses from scratch. They have to work with what they
> at hand,therefore we [get] a manual focus R9D.

I wouldn't want them to make an AF SLR unless the viewfinder is as easy to
focus manually as the R8/R9 or better yet the SL/SL2.  The way the DMR is
shaping up, Leica will have a unique product in a DSLR that is optimized
manual focus.  No big deal if you don't mind centered compositions but when
focus/recompose/shoot is a clumsy substitute for focussing anywhere on the
viewscreen, as it is for many of my photos, the R8/R9 + DMR is uniquely

Doug Herr
Birdman of Sacramento

Leica Users Group.
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