Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/06/30

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Subject: [Leica] B&W Films/Developers
From: grduprey at (
Date: Wed Jun 30 09:52:55 2004

We had an exhibit of Adams work here in Cedar Rapids a year ago, yes, even
here in Small Town USA we seem to get some of the good stuff.  One of the
really interesting things about the exhibit was that there were several
variations of selected photos.  These showed how he changed the printing of
the photos over the years.  The variations showed how his vision toward the
images changed over the years and how you looked at his images. It was a
very interesting exhibit and I learned a lot from viewing the variations on
his work.


|         |           "Dan Post" <>              |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           06/30/2004 10:30 AM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |       To:       "Leica Users Group" <>                
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] B&W Films/Developers                         

I saw an article about Adams, and from the illustration, it seemed that
looking at his negative they looked almost black; I would assume he
developed them until the curve was WAY up on the shoulder; That would
obviate any 'mottling'!. It would also lessened the contrast range. The
article told of the fellow who did his prints (must be nice to have a
trusted companion to do the scut work!) and used a guide Adams marked on
sleeves where things were to be dodged, and burned- he indicated it took a
loooong time to get a print. Both from the heavy density, and from the fact
that Adams was very particular about what went out of the darkroom.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Rabiner" <>
To: "Leica Users Group" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Leica] B&W Films/Developers

> On 6/29/04 4:11 PM, "Wade Heninger" <> wrote:
> >
> >> I've read that it is a very active developer. Thus developing times
> >> very short, making it easy to overdevelop negatives.
> >
> > Not as short as acufine, and never had issues.  I tried all kinds of
> > experimenting with dilutions and times.  All too contrasty.
> >
> > So I didn't continue because Xtol, FG7, Acufine all work great.
> >
> HC100 is notorious among the local people I know here in Portland over
> decades. A consensus on the darkroom newsgroups on the big wide internet
> not sure of but I kind of get the vibe they agree for the most part.
> It doesn't look much at all like d76 and is a Phenidone developer and in
> number of other ways not at all like it as a formula.
> I used it for a while because the word was out Ansel used it. He was
> alive then. But how he got the results he (or his assistant got for him)
> my pals and I never could figure out. He supposedly diluted it way beyond
> dilution B. I could never get that to work for me at all I always got
> development. Mottled negs. Calico. Same as my pals. We were all Calicos
> then.
> We all went back to d76 and our work shot up in quality as a result. Way
> back then. Early 80's. Ansel died I think in 84.
> I agree that Fg7 and Acufine and of course Xtol are great developers.
> used at the right dilution.
> But to use a different developer with every roll of film as it seems
> is doing is not going to make for any kind of results or knowledge.
> I'd use a certain developer for a few months playing around with
> dilutions.
> Mark Rabiner
> Photography
> Portland Oregon
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