Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/06/23

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Subject: [Leica] Budget Conscious Leica Users
From: grduprey at (
Date: Wed Jun 23 12:01:34 2004


You get the 2 stop reduction irregardless of internal or external meter.


|         |           "JAMES NICHOLS" <>          |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |                                   |
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|         |                                                        |
|         |           06/22/2004 09:46 PM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
|         |                                                        |
  |       To:       "Leica Users Group" <>                
  |       cc:                                                                
  |       Subject:  Re: [Leica] Budget Conscious Leica Users                 

Doug:  I concur that there is a 2 stop adjustment if using an external
meter.  I did the math, and the doubler includes a built-in "slide rule" of
sorts that makes the stop conversion.  However, with the Spotmatic using
TTL metering, all one has to do is center the needle, since the meter
"sees" exactly what the film sees.  I proved this to myself with some test

Thanks to all for the suggestions.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN

> [Original Message]
> From: Doug Herr <>
> To: Leica Users Group <>
> Date: 6/22/2004 12:55:29 AM
> Subject: Re: [Leica] Budget Conscious Leica Users
> A 2x teleconverter will lose 2 stops.  And I do recall the years when a
> Leica was only a dream.  I recall that every few years when I thought I'd
> saved enough for my dream SL and 400 Telyt, the prices had gone up so I
> hadn't saved enough after all (and then the car needed repair).
> Doug Herr
> Birdman of Sacramento
> on 6/21/04 10:20 PM, Richard F. Man at
> > Hi James,
> > The main thing is that you lose one stop, and since this is for a SLR,
> > makes focusing more difficult. As for picture quality - it depends on
> > size enlargement you are making and what YOUR acceptance of quality is.
> > other words, shoot some pictures and see if you like them!!!
> >
> > At 07:44 PM 6/21/2004, JAMES NICHOLS wrote:
> >
> >> I bought my first used Leica LTM in 1952, a Model III
factory-converted to
> >> a IIIa.  I have enjoyed Leica photography since that time, though
> >> requiring full-time eyeglasses, I have also used other systems.  Now
> >> retired, there is no way I can afford a $2500 lens, though  I enjoy
> >> reading about the advances in these systems.  Do any of you recall the
> >> days when a Leica was only a dream for you?
> >>
> >> Because I'm on a budget, my SLR is a Pentax Spotmatic SP, for which I
> >> an SMC Takumar 55mm 1.8, a great lens,  a Soligar 35mm 2.0 Retrofocus,
> >> a Hanimex 135mm 2.8.  The 35mm will focus down to 1 ft.  I also have a
> >> Soligar 2X Converter, which, when used with the three lenses,  gives
me a
> >> wide selection of focal lengths.  This combination is exceptionally
> >> with the 35mm, since it provides a 70mm, close functioning
> >>
> >> My question is this.  How much does the use of the doubler impair the
> >> quality of the image?  To my eyes, I see very little degradation from
> >> images I make with a lens alone.  I don't have the equipment to study
> >> large enlargements, so I thought I would turn to some of you for your
> >> thoughts.
> >
> > // richard (This email is for mailing lists. To reach me directly,
> > use
> >
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> > Leica Users Group.
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