Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/04/26

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Subject: [Leica] the LUG gallery: comments after 1 day
From: grduprey at (
Date: Mon Apr 26 07:26:06 2004


I missed the starting gun, as I only get this at work,  Looks pretty good
so far.  Now I have to decide where to post my photos, on the new site or
on the Leica Gallery site, Huge decision. ;-)  Or the Family of Man 2 site
- Although so far this year I have had nothing worthy of that site - BUMMER
I Really need to figure out which way to point his Leica Thing! ;-)
Although my M6TTL is currently at the Leica NJ Surgery Center getting the
Viewfinder updated (Won't be back until after I have left for the Dayton
Hamvention ;-(  ) - My M lenses are currently lonely as there is no body
for them to play with.  I did however get a new laptop this weekend, so I
can now scan to it, instead of having to wait for Kat to get done with her
homework all the time on our desktop computer.  I do have some to post
later today after I drag my work computer out from under the table and hook
up an extension cable so I can plug in my memory stick and upload the

Anyway, great start for the new site.  Thanks


|         |           Brian Reid <>      |
|         |           Sent by:                                     |
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|         |           04/25/2004 07:51 PM                          |
|         |           Please respond to Leica Users Group          |
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  |       To:                                                     |
  |       cc:                                                                               |
  |       Subject:  [Leica] the LUG gallery: comments after 1 day                           |

A couple dozen people have put pictures into the LUG gallery. I'm
delighted, but I want more.

The reason that I set this up is twofold:

* I want a higher percentage of LUG members to post photographs; this is
another option for how to get your photographs online.

* I'd like to start collecting pictures of LUGgers. I am aware of one
LUGger who already has a significant collection of same.

So far, almost all of the people who are using the LUG gallery are the
people who already post pictures elsewhere. This is great, but what I
really want is for the rest of you, those who have never dared post a
picture to the LUG, to grab yourself an album and put something up.

There's lots of disk space, and it only consumes bandwidth if people
actually look at your pictures. I'd call that a "success crisis" and can
deal with it.

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