Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2003/02/16
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Well, several of you HAVE accused me on occasion of being "crackers" but I have no feel, good or bad, for the term, other than knowing that National Guard units from certain Southern states love being referred to as such. But my own family are hillbillies of the first water, many of them still showing that genetic propensity to have one leg shorter than the other (so that they can run faster around the mountains, of course!), and I find nothing derogatory in the term. We settled into these sweet Appalachian mountains back in Colonial times and we're too damn stubborn to leave -- but, then, this IS, truly, God's country. (And, yes, despite a Yale degree, I can still comprehend 'Hillbilly', the jargon used by guys way up in the Holler, beyond the spring and back of that New Highway they put in, what was it, Ralph -- '37 or '39? It was just before Jeff was drafted, so it must have been '39... I had to serve as a translator once, in a local Court, when even the Sheriff couldn't understand one of these folks.) Marc FAX: +276/343-7315 Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir! - -- To unsubscribe, see