Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/10/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Acros 100
From: "Greg J. Lorenzo" <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 21:31:51 -0600
References: <[]>

Acros 100? 

I love the stuff in the conventional darkroom. I don't scan yet.


Greg J. Lorenzo
Calgary, Alberta

Henry Ambrose wrote:
> Don Dory wrote about Acros film:
> >My take on this film is that it is very desirable for those times when you
> >want to hold detail in a contrasty scene.
> I have some scans that very much indicate the same results Don showed.
> >From a very similar scene. I also have some recent scans of TMax 100  in
> Xtol that are remarkable in their range as well but maybe not to the
> extent of the Acros. To me it seems that Delta 100 is crisper (and maybe
> grainier) than either and looks more traditional. TMax seems to have lots
> of midtones and there ain't much grain in Xtol - for sure. They are all 3
> good films and I wonder if you can go wrong with any of them. Just
> different flavors of good.
> Maybe I can post some scans tomorrow. Not a fair comparison since they
> were not shot as a test and were with different lenses but anywayĆ 
> I really have not used enough Acros yet to have a complete opinion. I've
> been shooting all my D100 up! But I have 10 more rolls of Acros waiting.
> I'd still love to hear more about what folks like or dislike.
> Then John Brownlow wrote:
> >looks delicious
> >you can add contrast to long negs but you can't rescue detail from blown-out
> >hilites and lost shadows
> Amen!
> I'm all for a film that helps me record the full range in a manner that
> lets me get it back in a print or scan.
> Henry
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In reply to: Message from Henry Ambrose <> (Re: [Leica] Acros 100)