Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/10/21

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Subject: Re: [Leica] Acros 100
From: Henry Ambrose <>
Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 19:56:22 -0500

Don Dory wrote about Acros film:
>My take on this film is that it is very desirable for those times when you
>want to hold detail in a contrasty scene.  

I have some scans that very much indicate the same results Don showed. 
From a very similar scene. I also have some recent scans of TMax 100  in 
Xtol that are remarkable in their range as well but maybe not to the 
extent of the Acros. To me it seems that Delta 100 is crisper (and maybe 
grainier) than either and looks more traditional. TMax seems to have lots 
of midtones and there ain't much grain in Xtol - for sure. They are all 3 
good films and I wonder if you can go wrong with any of them. Just 
different flavors of good.
Maybe I can post some scans tomorrow. Not a fair comparison since they 
were not shot as a test and were with different lenses but anywayĆ 

I really have not used enough Acros yet to have a complete opinion. I've 
been shooting all my D100 up! But I have 10 more rolls of Acros waiting.
I'd still love to hear more about what folks like or dislike.

Then John Brownlow wrote:
>looks delicious
>you can add contrast to long negs but you can't rescue detail from blown-out
>hilites and lost shadows

I'm all for a film that helps me record the full range in a manner that 
lets me get it back in a print or scan. 

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Replies: Reply from "George Weir" <> (Re: [Leica] Acros 100)
Reply from "Greg J. Lorenzo" <> (Re: [Leica] Acros 100)