Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/09/26

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Subject: Re: [Leica] DARKROOM II
From: ternahan <>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 11:02:23 -0700

I have forgotten where you are located, but if you are in Northern
California there is an excellent rental darkroom in
Sacramento. It's big, clean and nicely run...they have BW,color and digital
facilities and do classes as well. It is called The Darkroom. I taught
myself how to print there before I invested in my own set up. It is nice to
have other photographers around while you are working. Good Luck!


You are invited to visit:

> From: "Nguyen, Olivier T [AMSTA-AR-CCF]" <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 08:35:58 -0400
> To: "''"<>
> Subject: RE: [Leica] DARKROOM II
> Hi Marc,
> can you tell me why do you have more than one enlarger in your darkroom ?
> is there any trick to perform ?  I want to learn that trick.  Please, I am
> not try to make fun of  you or anything.  I just try to see what you do with
> more than 1 enlarger that is all.  I just want to learn new thing.
> I right now have 1 enlarger in my room and still litlle by little learn to
> developt the film and the print correctly here.  I am a fresh newbie of
> darkroom so I did not see much of thing yet specially the tonal change in
> slightly and I still make a lot of mistake such as little too dark for skin
> tones etc. 
> Yes, darkroom is fun.  taking picture without developt and print already
> kill 80% of the fun.
> I try color one time by developt the film and print but not 100% success
> yet.  I will try again.  Can anyone here point me to any website or any
> place beside library that show me how to developt the color.  I follow some
> guide line of our member here and I fail in the first time.  don't know what
> going on.  Probably the temperature is not correctly control
> Olivier
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc James Small []
> Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 11:08 PM
> To:;
> Subject: [Leica] DARKROOM II
> Well, I made it tonight, for a couple of hours, the first time in the
> darkroom in 18 months or two years or somesuch.  I now have both my Beseler
> 23CII (with my new 2.8/50 APO-Rodagon) and my Leitz V35 side-by-side, a
> rather chummy arrangement.
> I had to relearn working in the dark, which is always mildly frustrating,
> but old habits come back readily.  My stock of Ilford MGIV glossy paper was
> a bit heat-struck but not terminally so.  (I did get my supply box out of
> the freezer to stock up again tomorrow with fresh stuff.)  I thought the
> V35 had lost its auto-focus but, after futilizing a bit at trying to adjust
> it, I realized I wasn't locking the negative carrier in, and then all was
> well.
> I had a couple of recent rolls to print, both 100 Delta.  One taken with a
> Werra III (2.8/50 CZJ Tessar and 4/35 Flektogon), the other with a Contarex
> Cyclops (4.5/21, 4/35, 2/50, 4/135, 13/400).  The first roll was souped in
> Rodinal, the second in Ifosol.  The paper was souped in Dektol,
> incidentally.
> A pleasant evening printing rather mediocre pictures on perishing paper.
> One shot was nice enough that I broke out a sheet of my all-too-small
> reserve of that magnificent ORWO semi-matte fiber monograde paper, the
> stuff to die for.
> I still do not understand how a serious student of photography can really
> learn the art of taking pictures without doing at least occasional darkroom
> work.
> The APO-Rodagon-N, incidentally, is cleanly and clearly superior to the
> Focotar-WA, as Erwin hinted it might be.  I now need to find a 75mm
> APO-Rodagon-N to replace my 4/80 Beseler-HD for MF work, but these guys are
> hard to find without buying new.  I'd replace the Focotar with an
> APO-Componon if I could find one used but these puppies NEVER seem to
> appear on e-Bay.  (The APO-Componon is a 40mm lens, incidentally, meaning
> its a plug-in replacement for the Focotar;  the APO-Rodagon is a 50mm lens.)
> Marc
>  FAX:  +540/343-7315
> Cha robh bàs fir gun ghràs fir!
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