Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2001/05/08

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Subject: [Leica] RE: SLR lenses
From: Ken Wilcox <>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2001 15:55:46 -0400

Why is the metering on older bodies suspect? How is the metering on newer
bodies faster? How is it more accurate? The selective area metering in the
SL is dead on. What is more accurate than that?

Ken Wilcox

At 5:38 -0500 5/7/1, a fine scholar, Rodgers, David wrote:

>An R6.2 would be nice. But for the money, I'd go for an R7. I know you said
>that you need total mechanical operation. But the R7 is so much more
>convenient than the F6.2, or the SL/SL2. The metering on the olders bodies
>is suspect. OK, I suppose, if you're only shooting reversal film. But if you
>ever plan to shoot trannies the newer, faster and more accurate metering is
>more than just nice to have.

- ----
Ken Wilcox                                Carolyn's Personal Touch Portraits
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