Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2000/05/26
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Leika "Noktolux Lens Support" for sale. The LNS in an ingenious device for those who suffer from the physical and emotional strain of a heavy Noktolux lens on their small M cameras. It is based on a wide heavy duty web belt like those used by warehouse workers. It has a ľ inch hardwood dowel (the pod) attached to the front of the belt and extends up in front of the face. A stainless steel 360 degree swiveled padded oar lock is attached to the top and there is a strong neck strap to hold the LNS in place. There is a red dot on the back of the belt and one of the pod. Of course these can be covered with black tape to ward off thieves. The pod can even be covered in materials to match your shirt so that it will not stand out in public. Stealth and quietness guaranteed. The LNS serves several important functions. First of all, the weight of the lens pushes into the stomach thus flattening it and giving better posture and less strain on the lower back muscles. Secondly, the yoke that holds the lens, eases any pressure on the camera flange. And finally, you can shoot Delta 3200 at 25 and forgot about all those busy details in the shadows. Just a pure white image surrounded by absolutely blackness. Another important feature is the ability to tape a minimum of eight empty film canisters to the dowel. This will give ample space for those extra “M” batteries, and other small accessories that often get lost in the camera bag. The functionality is unlimited. Buy three and make your own custom tripod or folding camp stool. When not in use, the pod is removal to a clip on the side of the belt. The NLS can then be used like a policeman's night stick to ward off those uncooperative street people. The cost is only 350 petro dollars, payable in small 5 gallon installments. For more information on when final testing is completed, write to LNS at Leika.con