Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/04/01
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Hi Eric, a few years ago, I just got mad about my Nikon stuff. I had two Nikon F2 and one F3 all with Motordrives and lenses from 20mm to 200mm. I am professional photographer and used my gear often in extreme situation. But with the time, the gaer got in bad shape and after some war reportage and other adventure staff it wasn´t lined up, even after bringing them to the original service twice a year. The other bad thing was, that I had to carry a lot of pounds with me and there were situations where the Nikons declared me as a pro photographer which is not helpful in some delicate situations. When I started to take photographs, I got the old M3 from my grandfather with a 50 mm Summicron. One day, after carring the hole day my Nikon throug the city, I just took my M3 out of the box and played with the lens. The focusing was going smooth and the shutter worked fine, even the camera and lense were over fourty years old. I put a slide film into the M3 and one into my Nikon, put the Nikkor 50mm 1.4 on and went out to take some pics with a tripod to compare the quality. After getting the films for the lab, I coud see the difference without magnifier. I took my hole Nikon gear, cleand it and brout it to the daeler, sold it at once and bought me a M4-P and a goggled 35mm which I could use on my M3 and on the M4-P. I didn´t regret that day once. Of course, It was hard as a professional photographer to work from one day to the other with that few things, but I worked fine after re-learning how to make good photos without 8 or 9 different lenses. The great thing is, that you can move easy like a bird and you don´t pull attraction to your presence. Now, I changed to M6 and I´d consider to do so, too. If it is possible for you, get the M6, which one is equal. All this shit around M6, TTL, and so on, there is no difference, just quality. I have tree M6, the oldest is 13 years old, the newest just a few month. I tested the M6 TTL, it is a good camera, but the classic is now very cheap. I could get you one brand new M6 from my dealer for 2900 German marks, with offical bill and warranty. The exposure meter is so accurate that I do not have tho have any doupt when taking Velvia Slides, even in critical situations. I´d consider to take the 35mm/2.0 Summicron and the 2.0/90mm Summicron with that two lenses you can do whatever you´d like to do, later on maybe the 24 or 21mm. Cheers, Deniz