Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/04/01
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]I had the same problem with my rangefinder and was also very upset. This little plastic qube doesn´t fint into any Leica philosphy at all. And at the other hand, when I buy such a damn expensive lens, I´d pay this 100 or 150 bucks more to when I would get a good rangefinder. In my case, I just told to my self, where dust gets in, there has to be a way to get it out, too. The body of the rangefinder is just pressed together. You can easy remove the top with tight, but carefully moving in all directions until it gets loose. Then you can ged rid of the dust and put the thing back together. I sold my plastic qube and bought myself the older version crafted with metal. I can tell you... the difference is huge... the old rangefinder is built like the M Leica, too. GOOD! And the optical quality is even better than the new plastic shit, too. I do not mind to pay almost the double of the price of the plastic one. At least, now I know that I own a good rangefinder. Deniz Saylan Photojournalist Germany