Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1999/02/06

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Subject: Re[2]: [Leica] Leica Users digest V6 #73
From: Ted Grant <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 12:42:31 -0800

Harrison wrote:
<<<I  know  a  lot of people on this list are going to try to flame about
this,  but  I  really don't care. Leica does not have its act together
IME  as  far  as  the R8 is concerned. I know I am not the only one to
have an R8 fail multiple times for the same problems...there simply is
NO EXCUSE for this.>>>>>>

Hi Harrison,

No flame from me as I believe they should have given you a new camera
immediately and not screwed around ticking off a valued customer. It was
well known in the beginning folks were having glitches with the R8, some
not a problem at all worked as it should, perfectly.

In your case something wasn't right at the beginning and for them not to
immediately recognize it and replace immediately, as they did with a number
of LUG members and I'm sure non-LUG customers, will remain one of those
stupid unanswered questions.

Hopefully now with the replacement you'll be finished with malfunctions and
missed pictures, becoming a "happy camper" :) R8 user/owner.:)

Ted Grant
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