Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1998/10/22
[Author Prev] [Author Next] [Thread Prev] [Thread Next] [Author Index] [Topic Index] [Home] [Search]Francesco try this link and enjoy.... Guido Ridoli LEICA M SUPERFAN - -----Messaggio originale----- Da: Francesco Sanfilippo <> A: <> Data: giovedى 22 ottobre 1998 15.52 Oggetto: [Leica] the beginnings of a darkroom! >LUG family: > >Well, I went out and got a good Hedgecoe book and the basics. >I got a 2-reel Patterson tank, which I have already practiced with last >night. I loaded my first practice film the FIRST time perfectly! The guy >at the shop was extremely helpful, and took almost an hour with me, >taking everything apart on the counter to lead me, step by step, through >the entire development process. Unloading the Patterson was a bit tricky >the first time, but I have it down now. I practiced loading in the dark, and >surprised myself by getting it right the first time! >Since it was all they had, I got Kodak HC-110 Developer, Kodak Indicator >Stop Bath, and Ilford Rapid Fixer. Also Kodak PhotoFlo 200, 2 graduated >cylinders (small), and 4 graduated pitchers. A thermometer, film hanging >clips, and an E-6 chemical kit rounded off the day. >Believe it or not, I walked out of the store with ALL of the above for >under $130! >Incredible! I am going to shoot my first TMax ever today....just some fun >stuff. >I need to practice a few developments to make sure I can get it down pat. >Thanks LUG, for all your help! > >BTW, what is the difference between HC-110 (the one I got) and XTOL or >Rodinol, >which I hear all of you talk about? > >Also, what are your favorite development settings for TMax 100 and 400? > >Francesco > > > > > > >