Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/04/05

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Subject: Re: time to upgrade - advice sought
From: (Roy Zartarian)
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 1996 13:25:23 -0500

>I beleive the original poster was refering to the fact that the leader on
>film as now packaged must be extended for use in screw mount cameras.

One can load the venerable screwmount Leicas without the bother of trimming
the leader with the ABLON or its derivatives. The _Viewfinder_ (vol 27 no.
3) contains an article by Ed Schwartzreich describing the procedure.

Basically, one attaches the standard leader to the take up spool and inserts
both the film canister and the spool into their respective chambers as far
as they will go. Then, with lens removed, the shutter speed is set to T and
tripped. Carefully, from the lens opening, the index finger guides the film
against the pressure plate up into position. It takes some practice, but
I've found this a useful approach.
