Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 1996/03/20

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Subject: Re: Re[2]: Hand held shots at 1/2 sec.
From: Gary J Toop <>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 16:06:34 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 20 Mar 1996, Tom Snyder wrote:


>      With the Leica M-3, I consider 1/15 to be a normal handheld shutter 
>      speed with static subjects and lenses shorter the 90mm. 1/8 of second 
>      is pretty reliable, but I have to start being careful.  1/4 second 
>      works, but it helps to brace on something like a wall or a table, etc. 
>      1/2 second requires some sort of brace for best results.  I do use the 
>      1 second under certain conditions.  Sometimes you can press the camera 
>      base against a wall (vertical) or lay it on a table-like thing or 
>      railing (horizontal) and use the 1 second exposure.  These techniques 
>      also work well at the 1/2 speed.  A little ingeniuity can really help 
>      the tripod challenged.
>      Tom Snyder

	These match very well with my own experience with my M-3:  I seem 
to have little trouble grabbing sharp shots with my 50 Summicron at 1/15 
of a second, but I start to need to be careful with it at 1/8 of a second 
or so.   That is one reason why I was so impressed with Dan Khong's 
account:  1/4 of a second with a 90mm lens hand-held is, in my 
experience, very impressive!

	I am finding these accounts of other people's experience with 
their Leicas very interesting and some of the suggestions as to how to 
get the best out of their hand-held shooting very useful.


In reply to: Message from "Tom Snyder" <> (Re[2]: Hand held shots at 1/2 sec.)