Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2023/04/13

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Subject: [Leica] (no subject)
From: boulanger.croissant at (Peter Klein)
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 18:33:50 -0700

Thanks for looking, Don. There are some pictures from Austin, but just of a 
Passover seder and my cousins, honorary cousins, and 90-something aunts. 
Those will come later
  We did hardly any touring, it was all about family. We did take a couple 
of walks on Lady Bird Lake. It's probably better I didn't have a camera with 
me on those walks, or I might have been oblivious to the poison ivy patches. 
 :-) We also saw some beautiful Cedar Waxwings getting drunk on mulberries.

> What,  no pictures from Austin?  Surely there was time to visit the lakes
> or some of the wildflowers or vineyards that clot the landscape.

> I do like your self portrait,  it's an excellent use of a low sun.

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023, 3:50 PM Peter Klein via LUG <lug at>

>/We just returned from a couple of weeks away, our first air trip since/
>/the Dreaded Virus went on its rampage. We spent a week in the Southern/
>/California desert soaking up sunshine to counteract Seattle's rain, plus/
>/an extended family in-gathering in Austin, TX. Here's a shot from one of/
>/my favorite places./
>/ at /