Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2017/09/29

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Subject: [Leica] [LRflex] IMG: Sunset with rainbow
From: leica_r8 at (Aram)
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2017 01:52:39 +0000
References: <>

Nice series.? I like that part of the country.? Last time I was in 
Canyon De Chelly we took a guided tour of the valley.? Our guide told us 
some not too nice things about Kit Carson, who was one of my childhood 
"heros".? Well, we were going to Taos a few days later and I told our 
guide I would spit on Carson's grave, so I found it and did.? He was not 
too nice to the Indians for real reason.? Ah, how history differs 
depending on what side you are on.


Aram Langhans (Semi) Retired Science Teacher & Unemployed photographer 
?The Human Genome Project has proved Darwin more right than Darwin 
himself would ever have dared dream.? James D. Watson
On 9/28/2017 7:32 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
> Nathan often quotes the wisdom of turning one's back to beautiful 
> light, such as at sunset.? I took his advice, and was rewarded with this:
> < at 
> N04/37381557391/in/dateposted-public/> 
> This is on the famous Canyon Road in Santa Fe, where many famous art 
> galleries are located.? And yes, I was standing in the middle of the 
> street, much to Katya's chagrin.? Fortunately, the street is narrow 
> and winding, and cars can't go very fast.
> Here's Santa Fe's cathedral (and I'm standing in the middle of the 
> street again):
> < at 
> N04/37334075536/in/dateposted-public/> 
> Here's an S-curve leading to some nice examples of typical Southwest 
> architecture:
> < at 
> N04/37125056850/in/dateposted-public/> 
> Finally, another skirmish in the game of who gets to say what about 
> whom.? This war memorial in Santa Fe's Plaza was erected in 1868. The 
> excised word in the third line was "savage."? It was chiseled off by a 
> young protester in 1973.? Recently, someone added a new adjective.
> < at 
> N04/36712057833/in/dateposted-public/> 
> Olympus E-M5 and Panasonic 20/1.7 (first three) or 25/1.4 (last). Enjoy!
> --Peter
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In reply to: Message from boulanger.croissant at (Peter Klein) ([Leica] IMG: Sunset with rainbow)