Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2015/04/10

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Subject: [Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gearhead Edition
From: red735i at (Frank Filippone)
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2015 15:58:02 -0700
References: <> <027801d073c8$9724d010$c56e7030$> <>

First, the way the camera accesses the data and the card itself determines
the save ( or read) speed.  ( My comments about the firmware).  
The  may be capable of really high speeds, but if the camera is not.... you
get the idea.

Not much..... Most of these HDD backups are slow to load from your SD
cards.. but if you are sleeping while it is being done, who cares?

For about $200 or less, you can have either a backup or a whole lot of
images stored away.....
The real name of the WD card is... WD My Passport Wireless... they were
originally made in 500GB, but now, the only listings I see are for 1TB and

1TB, at 24 MB per image = 40,000 images.  Give or take a few thou......
2TB = 80,000 images.

Even Tina would have enough room for a long trip.... 

I think Tina once said that in her years as a working pro, she took 25,000 -
50,000 pictures a month.

Frank Filippone
Red735i at

I do notice my M(240), set to shoot DNG (compressed) (which is what has been
recommended with my previous M8s and M9s) and loaded with a 16GB card,
freshly formatted in the camera, shows 14.8GB available and 435 images to
take, on the Info screen.

Also, I do notice the Sandisk card specs on the B&H and Amazon pages for
Sandisk Extreme and Extreme Pro cards do list both maximum read and write
speeds, with the write speeds somewhat slower.

What I'm trying to figure out is if there is a noticeable real world
improvement when using the faster, more expensive cards and it appears - at
least anecdotally - there is.

Now you've got me looking at this Western Digital Wireless external hard
drive.  What could possibly go wrong with that?


Replies: Reply from robertbaron1 at (Robert Baron) ([Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gearhead Edition)
In reply to: Message from robertbaron1 at (Robert Baron) ([Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gearhead Edition)
Message from red735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gearhead Edition)
Message from robertbaron1 at (Robert Baron) ([Leica] SD Card Questions, M(240) Gearhead Edition)