Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2012/12/15

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Subject: [Leica] Fwd: Gun control
From: davidhhching1 at (David Ching)
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 00:39:53 +0800
References: <>

> Don't disagree with you Phil on the freedom issue. And yes, no country in 
> the East has that kind of openness found in the USA.
> And despite all the issues like the killings in Connecticut, the USA is an 
> icon of freedom and equality that many others yearn for. Yet, one wonders 
> if it is all worth-while when the right to arm and defend oneself lead to 
> tragedies like this. And why do some states have different rules on gun 
> control? Are some "animals more equal than others"?
> The issue here whether is gun control too lax.  Is it time to move from 
> the "Wild Wild West" mind set?
> And while trying to resolve social, economic and political inequalities is 
> the ideal long term solution, does America have to witness more senseless 
> mass killings with the bullet before better gun control is put In place? 
> We can't bring back these innocent children who was needlessly killed. It 
> is freedom from fear that Americans will also relish by banning the use of 
> guns by civilians.
> God bless America.
> David Ching

Replies: Reply from alal at (A. Lal) ([Leica] Fwd: Gun control)