Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2008/12/31

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Subject: [Leica] For Doug Herr RE - Rabbits and moths, scientific nomenclature and confusion :-0 and SL2 MOT/Motor combo
From: ejcaliguri at (Edward J Caliguri)
Date: Wed Dec 31 19:23:43 2008

Doug Herr is correct when he states; 

>The order Lagomorpha includes the famlily Leporidae, not the other way > 

>around. ?The family Ochotonidae (Pikas) is also in the order Lagomo rpha. 

I should look stuff up before 'pontificating';?my memory for this is not as 
ait once was! ?"Kingdom -?Phylum - Subphylium -cClass - Order - Family"; my 
10 year old told me? this:-) I recall we had a rhyme or someth ing to 
memoorize this; Forgot ?that too....... 

Doug - you also tioned the SL2Mot I am shooting with motor drive for the 
sheer pleasure of focusing; it is so darn bright! The R8/9 are pretty good 
though. (BTW- I wonder if anyone has used the R8/9 with the Brightview 
Magnifying eyepiece? Looks as if it may be a good idea for DMR use) 

To stay on topic however, I got the pair together; SL2 mot and Motor with AA 
battery pack, grip. Perfect condition. The camera has a plastic base plate 
cover that you remove and just screw?on the motor. I use a Wein air ZnO 

Upside; It is built like a BRICK - the most solid mechanical?camera I have 
held. I heard tey cost more to make than sell! Even?if not, it can pound 

Downside; it is LOUD --?the Click-KaChunk-Slam-Whirrr is loud enough that I 
need to have it in a 'blimp'? if in the woods - it looks like a stuffed b 
ody case made out of cloth and p olyester filling. 

It has what looks to be s DIN plug in the back for a remote. All I can find 
are 25-30ft long ones too. The count-down dial?in back is nice to have. But 
accessories are hard to finf; such as a 'normal' length electric release and 
an?extra AA pack. 

But as with all Leica items like this, it is fun to use! 
