Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2007/11/15

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Subject: [Leica] Chicago LUG Dinner
From: gcr910 at (Greg Rubenstein)
Date: Thu Nov 15 12:05:53 2007

Chicago & Area LUGgers:

Alastair Firkin will be in Chicago for RSNA and we're rounding up folks to 
welcome him Saturday, 24 November (the Saturday night after Thanksgiving). 
Looks like dinner at either Roy's or Devon . . . or a Plan C (feel free to 
make suggestions), depending on the number of people and availability of 
space at these places. Time will be in the 6 - 7 p.m. range, again depending 
on the availability of reservations.

Please contact me on or off list by noon, Wednesday, 21 November, to attend, 
ask questions or make suggestions. Spouses, significant others and 
interested friends welcome. Will post a notice on the LUG and reply 
individually that night with a place name and time. 

Looking forward to seeing y'all. 

Greg Rubenstein
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