Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2006/02/06

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Subject: [Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger
From: lmc at (Luis Miguel CastaƱeda)
Date: Mon Feb 6 23:40:07 2006
References: <>

On 07/02/2006, at 1:38, Frank Filippone wrote:

> I never was a Kodak Man....
> I have, up to now, used Ilford, MG IV FB Glossy.  Also Same, but  
> WT.  The
> cold paper does not tone.  The WT does tone.

Ilford makes great stuff, I used to have their papers for neutral  
tones (with neutol or eukobrom) and agfa for a creamy base. Here we  
had not problems to keep having agfa's stuff but it seems that we  
should move on to other manufacturers

> I m trying out some new papers... Forte and Kentmere to replace  
> them.  The
> 2 new papers are less costly.  I may return to my Ilford Standards.

Kentmere is more expensive than Ilford over here.
Foma and Maco FB papers also deserves a try. Ilford is the point of  
reference for my prints, I usually take prints made on Ilford  paper  
to consider if it will look better - or not - on another paper.

> Dektol 1:2.
> Kodak Rapid Fix.
> KRST 1:9 Selenium Toned for 5 minutes for archival standards, not  
> color
> enhancement.

I'm switching to LP chemicals for print processing and I'm quite happy.

> Frank Filippone
> On 07/02/2006, at 1:06, Frank Filippone wrote:
>> OTOH, my choices in B+W Printing papers IS getting smaller.....
> what do you use?

Replies: Reply from michiel.fokkema at (Michiel Fokkema) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)
In reply to: Message from red735i at (Frank Filippone) ([Leica] Tina and Digital (was, Enlarger)