Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/08/29

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Subject: [Leica] PAW 35 dlridings
From: daniel.ridings at (Daniel Ridings)
Date: Sun Aug 29 23:05:20 2004
References: <000901c48dcf$5e7d8e90$6401a8c0@dorysrusp4>

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004, Don Dory wrote:

> Daniel,
> By Jove I think you have found a lens you like, the 21.

I think you're right. I do!

And I do appreciate your kind remarks.

> Specific comments about this image:
> I think that if you had leveled the lens so as to square up the lines it
> would improve the image.

You're referring to the lines (vertical lines) on the right, correct? I
saw it when I scanned but didn't reflect much on it.

> What I am getting to is possibly have you work
> with shooting off hand from a lower point of view, say chest high to
> retain the perspective but eliminate the converging lines.

I see your point. I'll give it a try. I'll probably not drop the camera to
my chest but just squat. I've noticed that if you want to use a 21, you
have a lose a bit of shyness. As long as it's not secret that I'm taking
pictures, I might as well do a quick half-squat (remember those? It was a
form of punishment when I went to school ... "Over in the corner, 3
minutes." Then we'd have to hold a half-squat for three minutes).

> Normally in
> street work converging lines do not matter, but in this image there is a
> sense of still life or surrealism that almost begs for a very squared up
> image.

I agree. It would have been stronger. I'm very pleased that you noticed
the odd impression I was trying to convey. I wasn't sure if it wasn't just
my warped sense of sight.

I'm going to crop as you suggest. Funny that I didn't think of the square.
I rather like them otherwise.

Thanks again!


In reply to: Message from dorysrus at (Don Dory) ([Leica] PAW 35 dlridings)