Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/05

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Subject: [Leica] ten years behind
From: joecodi at (Joseph Codispoti)
Date: Wed May 5 10:14:54 2004

-----Original Message-----
With all due respect, has it not occurred to anyone that perhaps Leica never
desired to be a mass-market, high-volume brand? The cache of the
brand--which is in a large measure an emotional intangible--lies in the
exclusivity of it, just as with any other luxury brand. To Walmartize it
would be to defeat the purpose. In that arena, they'd have gone out of
business long ago, since they would have had to create products that were
commodity items, and we know what a nasty word "commodity" is these days. It
ranks up there with that other word, "outsource!" 

Kit (

Well said Kit,

While I am not fond of the R8-9 design, I recognize that it is unique and
stands apart from other brands which do their outmost to copy each other in
order not to be different.

Leica buyers are not seeking cameras with built-in microwave, alarm clock,
or MP-3.
Simplicity of design and utmost reliability are the virtues that allow Leica
to endure.
Obviously, some features such as automation have to be introduced in order
to please some. In that regard Leica was smart to introduce the M7 with the
aperture priority feature.


Replies: Reply from bdcolen at (B. D. Colen) ([Leica] ten years behind)
In reply to: Message from kitmc at (Kit McChesney) ([Leica] ten years behind)