Archived posting to the Leica Users Group, 2004/05/02

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Subject: [Leica] Album
From: pdzwig at (Peter Dzwig)
Date: Sun May 2 13:19:12 2004
References: <> <> <002101c43046$d19f2b90$87d86c18@ted>

Ted Grant wrote:
> A tele might've worked by making your shot out of the grass/shrubs upper
> right side almost at the edge of the frame against the black bckgrd.
> Probably a 400mm or in that range. Or walk closer and use a 200 might be
> alright. Or a 400 with a macro adapter...... like wow!!!!!! ;-)
> Sorry mate but that's the way it goes sometimes.
> ted
Actually Ted,
I was lying flat on my stomach in three degrees of frost :-) The nearest blades 
of grass were VERY close and were always going to be lost. What I wanted was the 
frost on the seed heads. It wasn't originally taken as a show shot, I was using 
it to compare performance with a Digilux.

It's an image I have very mixed feelings about; several people have said that 
they like it a lot, so I thought I would get the LUG's opinions. Once again the 
mixed response; like you I am not that sure.

All the best,


PS a 400 on a IIIf??

Replies: Reply from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Album)
In reply to: Message from pdzwig at (Peter Dzwig) ([Leica] Album)
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Message from tedgrant at (Ted Grant) ([Leica] Album)